June 19, 2024
On Wednesday 19 June, in the Sala Irti, the Green & Social HUB plan was launched at the Avezzano headquarters aimed at precisely and decisively eliminating the generation gap and the various social and economic inhomogeneities that could occur in the city, in fact of green and digital transition. The machine of change will be driven by new energies, namely 12 young NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training) aged between 18 and 35, who will be trained by experts on the green and digital transition. Once ready, they will work at specific municipal desks, with the task of providing consultancy or information services to businesses, associations, citizens and other local organisations.
“In this way – explains the Councilor for the Environment, Maria Antonietta Dominici – we make a clear cut to the old communication practices on green policies, opening the doors of the offices wide to young resources who are looking for work and who want to improve themselves and increase their skills. We must support our children by opening new windows and horizons, helping them, as far as possible, to find and cultivate their space in the world. The European Green & Social HUB project allows you to connect the demand of the current labor market to the possibility of training suitable and adequate resources. Thanks to a virtuous memorandum of understanding signed at the time with ALI (Italian Local Authorities) and with the National Network of Sustainable Municipalities, our Administration aims, also in this way, to shorten the social distances between citizens and families on the issues of energy and digital, intervening in a concrete and incisive way on economic and educational poverty”.
“The common thread of this experiment – finally comments the councilor – is only one, that is to support a green transition that leaves no one behind and to realize this objective, the most important levers will be participation and the concept of community. We will therefore not just build a Hub, but a lab in a Hub: we will prepare young people for the future, training them on the new European guidelines, and, at the same time, we will help our city to correct what is wrong in terms of sustainability and digital”.
In addition to the municipal administrators, Leganet’s Green & Social Hub account manager, Alessandra Salvatori, and the Green & Social Hub executive manager, Simona Scarton, also participated in yesterday’s presentation event. Among the services offered by the Hub, there will be meetings with businesses and citizens on energy poverty and ways to combat it, individual plans against energy poverty for vulnerable people and families and the promotion of renewable energy communities.

Images of the event on 19 June to present the Avezzano Hubs