Green Carnival Lab – Crispiano


Project Description

On February 18 and 25, the Carlo Natale Civic Library in Crispiano is getting ready to celebrate a Carnival focused on reuse and sustainability, thanks to creative workshops organized in collaboration with Monteco. This project aims to raise awareness within the community, especially among children and young people, about the importance of recycling by creating costumes and masks using recovered materials.

Project Objectives

The workshop has several educational and social goals:

  • Promoting creativity through reuse: Participants will create masks and costumes using recycled materials such as cardboard, plastic, and used fabrics.
  • Raising awareness about recycling and sustainability: Carnival becomes an opportunity to teach the importance of waste reduction and eco-friendly choices.
  • Engaging the local community: The project encourages collaboration among citizens, strengthening the sense of belonging and environmental awareness.
  • Combining fun with environmental education: Participants will discover how creativity and sustainability can go hand in hand, even during festive occasions.

How Does the Workshop Work?

The workshop is structured into different phases:

  1. Introduction to the Green & Social Hub of Crispiano, with insights into sustainable practices.
  2. Reading a book about the history of Carnival, to inspire participants.
  3. Creating masks with recycled materials provided by Monteco. Tools such as scissors, glue, adhesive tape, and cardboard will be available to facilitate the creative process.
  4. Final parade featuring the costumes made, celebrating creativity and commitment to the environment.

Thanks to this initiative, Carnival becomes not just a time for celebration but also an opportunity to learn how to respect the environment in a fun and original way. A unique chance to discover that sustainability can be colorful, creative, and engaging!

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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