G&S Hub at BTM Bari - The Event with Crispiano


G&S Hub at BTM Bari – The Event with Crispiano

The BTM (Business Tourism Management) event in Bari is one of the most significant events in Italy, dedicated to business tourism and sustainable tourism. This annual fair, held in the city of Bari in Puglia, continues to be one of the leading platforms for tourism operators, companies, local authorities, and institutions to meet, with a growing focus on sustainability and inclusivity in the tourism sector.

This year’s edition highlighted the importance of responsible and inclusive tourism, with particular attention to sustainable practices that can improve the tourism industry while simultaneously promoting local economic development. A central aspect of this edition was the Sustainable Municipalities Area, a space dedicated to promoting ecological and social projects and initiatives carried out by the municipalities of Puglia to foster tourism that is respectful of both the environment and local communities.

In this context, one of the most significant aspects was the promotion of Green & Social Hub, an innovative platform that represented an important step for the Municipality of Crispiano. Green & Social Hub aims to be a model for sustainable development, combining environmental sustainability with social sustainability, creating growth opportunities for the local community while promoting eco-friendly practices and social inclusion.

The promotion of the Green & Social Hub at BTM had a strong impact in terms of participation and public interest. The creation of a meeting point for industry operators and local administrations enabled direct discussions on ecological and social issues, stimulating interest in the innovative solutions presented.

Moreover, the Sustainable Municipalities Area received significant attention, with high participation from municipalities, associations, and industry professionals. This space confirmed the growing importance of sustainability in local tourism policies and laid the groundwork for future developments in both ecological and social fields.

The 2025 BTM Bari edition represented a significant step forward in promoting sustainability policies in the tourism sector. The Sustainable Municipalities Area demonstrated that it is possible to integrate the needs of economic growth with respect for the environment and local communities. The promotion of the Green & Social Hub has played a significant role in positioning the Municipality of Crispiano as a pioneer in creating a socially responsible and sustainable tourism environment.

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