Green & Social HUB
Action research


An action-research focusing on energy poverty at local level in the three municipalities of Avezzano, Bassiano and Crispiano is carried out.

After desk research on scientific and grey literature on the connections between energy poverty and social inequalities starting from European and Italian studies, the partner Studio COME carries out a research on the characteristics of people in energy poverty and on the causes of the spread of the phenomenon in the three territories involved in the project.

The analysis is carried out through interviews with the heads of social services in the three territories and with the involvement of local service operators and people who are in conditions of energy poverty.

The partner ACR+, on the other hand, is responsible for collecting successful practices and experiences in other Italian and European municipalities for the fight against energy poverty. 

Two research reports will be prepared. The catalogue of good practices will then be presented and discussed in mutual learning events among the partners. 

Read here the results of the research:
The Social Dimension of energy Poverty by Studio Come
Preventing and combating Energy poverty by ACR+

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